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I was diagnosed with diabetes in the August of 2009 and since then I have made great progress. For example, when I was first diagnosed I had a massive fear of needles and would close my eyes at the sight of them - but the day I did my first injection on my own, I saw that it really wasn't that big of a deal, as it didn't sting at all. Also, I wanted to be able to look after myself, without anyone by my side - so a few months after doing my first injection I went on an adventure holiday all by myself.
Not everything about diabetes is bad, you may not believe me but there are some positives. If your blood sugar is low before bed you can have a snack - you could have toast, a cereal bar, crisps, a piece of fruit and if it is very low you can have a small can of cola or some sugar tablets.
I'm sorry to say, but there are some downsides to having diabetes - when your blood-sugar is high you feel very bad, you will have a very bad headache and you may even be sick depending on how high it is. If your blood sugar goes too low and you don't treat it with a can of cola or sugar tables you can faint/collapse and you won't wake up until somebody gives you a a special injection or rubs a sugary gel in your mouth.
If you have diabetes don't get worried or anxious because if you give the right amount of insulin and keep your blood sugar at a good level the majority of the time, you shouldn't run in to any major problems. However, if your blood sugar is continuously over 10 you could be putting you life at risk. Also, eat healthily, as a bad diet is not good for a diabetic.

Saturday 11 June 2011

Dear Diabetic Diary

Yesterday I went to the hospital - and found out that I was going to be seeing a lady that should help me with my injection problem. I can inject into my stomach just's my leg that's the problem. She is apparently going to help me come over it - I think it's going to be good for me. So if you have a problem to do with your diabetes, that you really can't come over; get in touch with your local hospital, and maybe you can sought something out.

Thursday 2 June 2011

Dear Diabetic Diary

I am in Scotland again, and the other day we went to the beach. I kept having hypos - when I suddenly remembered that the sun drains your blood sugar. So just remember, this may be the cause of your hypos in the summer. Just a little tip...

Thursday 26 May 2011

Dear Diabetic Diary

Diabetes doesn't just affect things like you pancreas and blood - it affects other things! If diabetes is left untreated, you can get some serous problems in these things:
  • Your eyes
  • Your feet
  • Your organs
  • Your blood vessels
If you have any symptoms at all of diabetes, you need to go to the doctor immediately before things get too serious. You can find the symptoms on the Symptoms of Diabetes page...

Dear Diabetic Diary

I recently saw a video on YouTube about a cure to diabetes! It was this kind of water that you drink every day, and eventually the effects of diabetes wear off. The story was about this man who had diabetes and he had an extremely damaged foot - but dipping his foot in it and drinking some of this water every day eventually weakened the effects of diabetes. This is not a proven theory...

Sunday 15 May 2011

Dear Diabetic Diary

When I was first diagnosed with diabetes, I was told NEVER to smoke - and this is why. A diabetic shouldn't smoke because over time he/she can get the affects of smoking naturally through diabetes. Smoking just adds to this and can do some servier damage. You shouldn't really smoke anyway, but for diabetics it is a 100% no no...

Dear Diabetic Diary

A few months ago I got some rashes around the sides of my mouth. They were really red and I had had them before - the first time, I had a cream and a disgusting medicine! The most recent time, I just had a cream. When I went to the doctors they said it might of been an allergic reaction to some cream - but they also said that it might be because of diabetes. Apparently, when you have diabetes, you have a weaker immune system. So if you are diabetic and you don't know why you have a rash, that may be why.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Dear Diabetic Diary

I would just like to expand on my last post. You do not have to play video games, it could be any game at all - for instance, you could play:
  • A board game (e.g snakes and ladders)
  • A computer game
  • A video game
  • A physical game (e.g tig)
  • Chess
  • Or any game that you enjoy...

Dear Diabetic Diary

One of my hobbies is gaming, and I have found that it actually can calm you down. This is a very big discovery for me, as combining something that I enjoy with something that helps me forget about diabetes! However, offline may be better than online, because people do get frustrated when they can't play the online. And also remember to hop around different games; if you play one game for 3 months straight, you will get board and frustrated.

How To Forget About Diabetes (shortened) - Play offline games of any console you enjoy. Keep changing the game you play every 2 weeks or so - and hopefully diabetes will become a smaller part of your life.